Bangladesh 64 district & other Thaana “The first two or three days it was crazy. We don't have cars in our village, so when I saw a car I had to jump this way and that. And my head is full of a terrible buzzing sound." etc
Harlan Mongols, 53, was forced to move his extended family of 17 to Dhaka Three look for work, after cyclone Bangladesh on drowned their village in southern Bangladesh in May.
Harlan used to be a wealthy man with five houses for his clan - all are now gone. Now they live on a group of huts is the perimeter of the international airport.
He clutches his head in despair as he or she talks about their situation: "The things we lost we couldn't make again even if we tried for 60 years. All I can think about is what we will do, what will happen to our children. I can't eat; I can't sleep because of thinking about all of this."
Back on the village Harlan’s family were craft workers, weaving baskets. Now they shine shoes on the streets of Dhaka, a city of 15/16 million people. Because of the cost of living, even the children, who were at school before the cyclone came, have to work etc.
Every morning 11-year-old Rudi walks an hour into the centre of Bangladesh Dhaka. He misses school. "I have to work all day on the sun so I don't feel good. My father said I should do this work and when everything is okay back on the village I can go back and study. I would like to go back, to school. I want to will be a teacher and have my own school."